We ensure campers wash their hands throughout the day: before meals, before and/or after specific activities, after going to the bathroom, and more. Hand washing stations and hand sanitizers are located around Camp. Hand sanitizers are on each dining table. Keeping hands clean is key!
In our summer camp spaces it is easy to refill your water bottle, so campers can stay hydrated throughout the day.
Counselors remind campers to wear sunscreen all the time, and many of our activity areas have sunscreen available. Counselors also help younger campers with applying sunscreen before the day begins.
A significant number of our camp counselors are certified in American Red Cross First Aid and CPR.
Every member of our swim staff has been certified for American Red Cross Lifeguard.
Campers all take swim tests and are rated in any one of five categories of proficiency, receive personalized swim instruction and are restricted from certain swim areas and other activities pending meeting minimum swim criteria. We also abide by lifejackets on at all times when doing waterfront activities and buddy swimming only in supervised areas.
On every trip, a staff member takes a complete medical kit and a copy of each camper’s medical history and emergency contact information.
Keeping campers safe also relates to their emotional well being. Our 5 day staff training directly addresses topics such as anxiety, stress and mindfulness.
All specialties are led by professionals in their field and know the best way to keep your campers safe.